Il Catasto Strade è un webGis per la gestione (raccolta, aggiornamento e consultazione) di dati che descrivono la rete stradale e le strutture di interesse per la gestione della viabilità. Gter offre una soluzione flessibile basata su un geodatabase PostgreSQL/PostGIS, che permette sia di migrare da una precedente banca dati che di predisporre un catasto ex novo.

The Road Cadastre is a webGis for the management (collection, updating and querying) of data describing the road network and structures of interest for road management. Gter offers a flexible solution based on a PostgreSQL/PostGIS geodatabase, which allows both migrating from a previous database and setting up a cadastre from scratch.

Problem it solves

Optimizing the management of the road cadastre through user-friendly tools that allow the personnel in charge to perform basic and some advanced operations (e.g., integration with other data sources) in a completely autonomous manner.

Target users

Public administrations that, at several levels, from municipalities to regions, are in charge of the management of public roads and under the law are obliged to take care of the information assets related to them (Art. 13 paragraph 6 of the Highway Code: “the Entities owning roads are obliged to establish and keep up-to-date the mapping, the Cadastre of roads and their peripheries”).

How it works

Gter proposes a solution based entirely on open source software that involves the use of a Gis tool and a WebGis tool for data management, querying and publication, in both public and private forms. The solution can be installed at the client’s premises or provided in the cloud.


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