The QGIS CDU Creator Plugin allows you to automatically compile the Certificate of Urban Destination (CDU, Certificato di Destinazione Urbanistica) from the data of cadastral land and the current urban planning instrument loaded in a QGIS project. The Plugin also allows a number of customizations with the aim of making the generated CDU a valid document in all respects. The development of a part of CDU Creator was funded through a Crowdfunding campaign that was successfully concluded in March 2020.

Problem it solves

Gter has developed the QGIS CDU Creator Plugin with the aim of facilitating CDU compilation activities for technical offices by providing a simple and Open Source tool that allows to obtain a CDU by setting only a few parameters.

Target users

Public Administrations and in particular Municipal Technical Offices that issue Certificates of Urban Destination at the request of citizens, but also to professionals who collaborate with Public Administrations in urban planning and regulatory matters.

How it works

The CDU Creator Plugin makes it possible to easily and automatically compile CDUs from cadastral and current city plan data. Being an integrated tool in the well-known Open Source GIS software QGIS, it exploits the full potential of the software for data intersection and extraction of associated information. In addition, with a few simple user-defined parameters, it is possible to customize one’s CDU, quickly and easily obtaining a document that is valid for all purposes.

Here you can find the GUIDE to install and start using it.

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